Saturday 31 March 2012

If you mean PAUSE don't write WAIT

Be careful with the wait command.

I used one in error (I meant pause). And the consequences were more than just waiting 1000 times as long as I had intended (wait counts in seconds, pause counts in microseconds).

With wait in my coding, my 20x2 wouldn't program. Not only wouldn't it program, but it wouldn't re-program with any other program. I thought I had "bricked" the chip.

Luckily, I found instructions on how to tackle a chip that won't reprogram: remove the 5v lead, start the programming process, wait one or two seconds, then replace the 5v. If that doesn't work, remove all the other connections to the chip (except for the 0v, Serial In and Serial Out) and try again: I was getting a voltage on the 5v pin with no power connected, but with a 5v feed to pin C.1.

Once I removed the wait command, the chip would reprogram normally.

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